Common Mistakes In Urgent Care Center Billing And How To Resolve Them

As the healthcare industry is continuously evolving, there is growth in the number of urgent care centers. Their speed and efficiency in providing healthcare services at an affordable price are what makes them popular. Most urgent care facilities will not let people wait for any duration longer than thirty minutes, and most visits will take lesser than an hour. There is a risk of losing the revenue, involved in the urgent care market. It just takes a few billing and coding mistakes that may lead to the loss of a significant amount of money. Let’s take a look at the three most common urgent care center billing and coding errors as well as the solutions for these problems. l Failure to Fix Bad Front Desk Processes The front desk is the place where the revenue cycle begins. Urgent care center billing completely goes wrong in case of bad financial processes taking place at the front desk. Make sure you gather co-pays when the patient visits begin rather than waiting till the...